Un-Diet Culture


Un-Diet Culture

There is copious amounts of information out there about the best diet to follow and what is healthiest for us.

This advice is coming from all kinds of sources; from accredited institutions to uncertified influencers to your friendly neighbour.

I think most people can say that these people have no mal-intent. They spread information that is backed up by research, personal experience or years of data.

But, with countless diets out there (vegan, paleo, high-fat, raw food, low-fat, keto etc.) and conflicting information, it makes it hard for people to listen to their bodies and understand what is actually best for them (which is ultimately the most important thing).

Ask yourself:

How am I actually feeling? Am I feeling energised, full and happy? Am I digesting and evacuating well? Am I experiencing bloating or gas? How are my blood panels looking?

In a day and age where labels are put on everything, it feels as though we have to define our diets.

But by labelling our diet, we are less likely to listen to our body’s natural response to food and change our minds to new information.

It's time to un-diet our eating habits.

Do what makes YOU feel good, and don't feel the need to attach yourself to a certain way of eating.

Humans are extremely bio-individual, and one diet won't work for everyone. Also, what makes us feel good now may not resonate with us another day; and that is completely okay!

It is important to listen to your body. By listening to your body, you are listening to the wisest source of all. Our bodies are constantly communicating to us and it is our job to listen.

Ask yourself:

How do I feel after this meal? Did a particular food upset my stomach? Do I have long-lasting energy? Am I experiencing any unwanted symptoms?

Now, I am not saying go out there and eat cake for breakfast every day just because you felt like it. When we are truly listening to our bodies, we are naturally attracted to the more nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

Eating predominantly plant-based is important, but balance is key when it comes to long-term health!

And remember; our diets are so much more than what we eat. Our diet is made up of what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you surround yourself with. Be mindful of the things you are putting into your body emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is all connected.


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