The Upward Spiral


The Upward Spiral

The Malleable Brain

Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of the brain to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections. It is when the brain is rewired to function in some way that differs from how it previously functioned. These changes range from individual neuronal pathways to systematic adjustments.

What You Can’t Control—And What You Can

There are many aspects of life that are beyond our control — genes, early childhood experiences, trauma, and other aspects of life that can’t change — however, there is a much larger part of life that is within our control. We can control our response to emotions, feelings and thoughts, our actions, our environment, who we surround ourselves with, how we talk to ourselves and what we chose to focus on and engage in. All of these factors hugely contribute to our mental state, and therefore our overall happiness.

Emotions Drive our Actions

The chemistry and activity of the human brain is inextricably linked with human behavior. When an emotion is triggered in the brain, the nervous system responds by creating feelings in the body and certain thoughts in the mind. A lot of decisions are informed by a persons emotional response because that is what emotions are designed to do: to appraise and summarize an experience and inform an action. And those actions reinforce our psychology. That is why it is important to take stock of the thoughts and emotions swirling through your head, and the actions you take as a result of those emotions.

The Spiral Effect

Our emotions aren’t singular and isolated. Instead, they build on each other, and as they do this, they take on a kind of momentum. Emotions spiral because they unconsciously promote thoughts and behaviors that reinforce our current mental state. The things we think, the habits we form, and the social activities we engage in all intertwine, putting us in either an upward or a downward spiral. In a downward spiral, negative thoughts and emotions start spiralling out of control, pulling you into a sense of sadness, fatigue and apathy. By intentionally focusing on positive actions and thoughts, we can create upward spirals, where our emotions build momentum toward greater joy and well-being.

Creating an Upwards Spiral

Small positive changes in your actions, thinking patterns, interactions and environment lead to positive brain changes in its electrical activity, its chemical composition, and even its ability to grow new neurons. And these positive brain changes make further positive life changes more accessible, leading to an upward spiral. Each small change may not be the solution, but each contributes to improvement—a part of the upward spiral.

Actions to Retune your Brain to Prioritise Happiness

— Move your body

— Optimise your physiology

— Take deep and slow breaths

— Balance Blood Sugar Levels

— Eat healthy (plant-based whole foods)

— Get good sleep

— Journal

— Stay social & stop isolating

— Practice mindfulness

— Have gratitude and compassion

— Pursue your goals and passions

— Create good habits

— Make decisions

— Be of service to others

— Seek professional help from a mental health professional


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