Manifesting Your Dreams


Manifesting Your Dreams


Manifesting is turning your dreams into reality.

The Process

Manifestation is about raising your self-worth and stepping into your unique authenticity by reprogramming the subconscious limiting beliefs that you picked up throughout your life. Once you project from a high self-worth state, you can align with what you truly deserve and desire.

Qualities of Your Highest Self

— Authentically yourself

— High self-worth

— Stand in your power

— Ask for what you want

— Say what you mean

Backed By Science

This process uses the mechanisms of neuroplasticity to overwrite low self-worth mental patterns (neural pathways). Neuroplasticity is the ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions or connections.

The Core Principles

The Universe Wants You To Be Your Authentic Self

The universe's sole intention for you is to grow back into the most whole, authentic version of yourself (your highest self) and project from that state of being. The authentic self is the version of yourself that you were when you were first born, before any negative programming, pain, trauma, shame or conditioning you received while growing up.

You are Already Whole

You came into this world completely whole, worthy and authentic. Your worth is innate. Many life experiences might have made you feel guilt, pain, shame and not ‘good enough’. As you attempt to survive your surroundings, this programming disconnects you from your worthiness. The Universe's sole intention is for you to get back to your worthiness, and your job is to chisel away at these layers of pain, shame, and programming in order to manifest the life you desire.

You Manifest from your Subconscious Mind

You manifest from the subconscious structure of beliefs that you picked up throughout your life. That means that every single thing that is looping subconsciously, you are projecting and manifesting. To truly align with your manifestations, you need to work with your imprinted subconscious beliefs. Once you are able to peel back the subconscious layers of programming that keep you feeling small and in a place of low self-worth, you’ll be able to grow into your most authentic and highest state of self-worth and project from that state of being. This is because everything outside of you is a reflection of something that you are projecting from your subconscious. Your level of subconscious self-worth around a certain subject, determines the manifestations you attract into your life. You imprint your reality.

You Are Constantly Co-creating with the Universe

You are constantly manifesting whether you are aware of it or not. The universe is not happening to you and you are not a victim of the universe. Let go of any delusion that bad things are happening to you because, in reality, you are creating your reality on a subconscious level.* When you step out of the delusion of victimhood and start to empower the control that everything outside of you is everything inside of you, it enables you to start learning how to reprogram self-deteriorating thought patterns to raise your self-worth in order to align with what you truly want. When you can empower yourself through that, this process starts to become very clear and very quick. You are capable of shifting anything you want on a subconscious level.

*This concept does not apply to systems of oppression, injustice, marginalization, and abuse that are out of your control. You did nothing to negatively attract these situations— it is not your fault. You deserve safety, freedom and respect. The goal of these tools is to empower you to transform your mindset, and to help you to reprogram subconscious limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in old thought patterns.

You Take Accountability

Undesirable things showing up in your life have nothing to do with the subject, dynamic or person showing up. Instead, it points to where you can grow your self-worth on a subconscious level and stop repeating old patterns that don’t serve your highest good. There is a lesson to be learned from every experience, and that’s why the Universe is sending this situation your way. It wants you to learn the lesson when you’re ready, to get you one step closer to your most whole and subconsciously worthy self. Through this, it is important to take accountability for your life, and start showing up for yourself.

You Are Never Punished

The universe is always conspiring for our highest good, and you are never being punished or distracted – you are simply being asked to raise your standards so that the universe can meet you there. Any “setback” is not the Universe punishing you, but rather a gift from the Universe trying to shift you back to your authentic path or steer you away from what doesn’t serve your highest good. Every experience or test (even if you don’t “pass” it) is a gift, as it teaches you lessons that ultimately drive you toward your most authentic self.

You Are Always Being Guided

Whenever you are experiencing a difficult situation in your life, it’s time to strengthen your belief that this obstacle is actually guiding you in the right direction. When you do, you become a presence of faith in the world because you live with the positive expectation that even when things are rough, you are being guided. Trust in the direction of the Universe and know that you’re being guided towards love. Grounding yourself in that belief system will open you up to a sense of relief and ease so that a new direction can be revealed to you. Difficult situations are learning experiences. The universe always has your back, no matter how many times you make mistakes, feel lost, or get out of alignment. You are always being guided for your greater good.

Everything That Comes Into Your Life Is Just A Lesson

Anything that comes into your life is just a lesson. So when you take all of that off, and you have the essence of the human experience, and you are just seeing the energy of things, usually something is bigger, smaller or praying. Once you find that balance, that is where you connect with your manifestation. The universe will keep on sending you the same lesson and experience in a different vehicle or body until you learn the lesson. All that is happening each time is just an opportunity to see that mirror and go and shift those limiting beliefs. However, once you do that, it’s important to pass the next tests. If not, you are going to be offered the same experience over again and over again. It is important to keep on turning down anything that is not serving you.

Everything The Universe Sends Your Way Is A Reflection Of Your Level Of Self-Worth

The things that are showing up in your life are in complete and direct alignment with how worthy you feel. Since the Universe’s only intention is to reconnect you with your inherent worthiness, it sends you mirrors in the form of partners, jobs, friends, situations, challenges, and more to reflect your current state of self-worth to you so you know exactly where your blocks are and where you still need work to do in order to align with your manifestations. This is the universe’s way of knocking you back onto your path of authenticity. When you begin to see everything and everyone showing up in your life as an opportunity for growth, you can start to take your power back. Where you have high self-worth, your manifestations will come through, and where you have low self-worth, your manifestations are not coming through.

Feel in Order to Heal

You must lean into everything you’re feeling in order to heal and bring your manifestations into reality. Any negative thoughts or sour emotions can serve as powerful spotlights to show you where you still cling onto limiting beliefs, which is where you need to dive into reprogramming. Do not fear negativity as it is your subconscious mind unearthing where you need the most healing. Instead, see where your negativity is leading you and allow it to be your road map to healing and alignment. This is where true healing happens, as we must feel these feelings in order to heal them. Once you are able to heal and raise your self-worth, you will begin to magnetize all you authentically desire into reality. This is because you attract into your life what you are subconsciously projecting your self-worth level to be. Subconsciously believing that you deserve the things you want can change your perspective on everything.

Understanding The Authentic Self

The Authentic Self

The authentic self is the part of you that embodies your soul’s essence. It’s what lights you up, brings you joy, gives you purpose, and makes you uniquely you. It is the version of yourself that you came onto the planet as, before you experienced any negative programming, pain, trauma, shame, or conditioning. The goal of this work is to peel back the layers of conditioning and get you back to who you are on a soul level– your authentic self.

Core Values

Your core values capture your authentic self. They serve as a vital tool, letting you know what is or isn’t in alignment with your authentic self. They can be used to help you make every decision in your life — small or large. It's a powerful North Star that will never steer you wrong. It will guide you to your purpose and help you find clarity.

Establishing Your Core Values

What’s important here is to get to the core need beneath your authentic desires. Start to honor and acknowledge those needs first, then the vehicle through which you can express them will be made clear through your manifestations.

Ask Yourself

— What are the non-negotiable qualities that align with your authenticity?

— What does your soul truly desire in order to have its needs met?


Freedom, flexibility, security, connection, beauty, expansion, luxury, self-care, spirituality, health, movement, creativity, being seen, space, home, aesthetics, exploration, travel, humor, impact, growth, teach, legacy, meaning, purpose.

Everyone’s core values are extremely unique to them.

The Importance of Your Core Values

There are many things we think we want due to societal and familial programming – what we think we should have or do based on what we’ve seen others achieve. It is important to get to the core of what you’re calling in and ensure it aligns with your authenticity. If you aren’t manifesting from your authenticity, your manifestations are likely based on unchecked ego, validation, or are simply scratching the surface of what you truly desire. These can all point to blocks standing in the way of your truly aligned manifestations.

Casting Your Manifestation List

The list is how you call in your manifestations. Everyone’s lists look a little different. You might want to get super specific and write down every aspect you’re calling in, or you may prefer to just focus on the basics, leaving the details up to the universe. No matter which approach you take, it’s important to focus on the core essence– how you want this manifestation to feel and what aspects of it are non-negotiable.

Tips For Creating Your List

— Be realistic. Focus on manifestations that are attainable in the near future. While you can truly manifest anything you authentically desire, the most effective approach is to call in your manifestations within a 6 to 12 month window so that you can achieve it step by step. This means it's important to be realistic about what is attainable within this timeframe.

— Be specific and clear. It can be helpful to get very meticulous about what you desire to call in. Make a bullet point list with every detail from your core values in regard to what you’re calling in. Remember, if you are calling in vague things, you will get vague things or nothing at all back. So get really specific about what you want.

— Focus on your core values. You want to call in things from your core values. Make sure you are aligned with what you want. Be sure to ask yourself if every quality is non-negotiable on a soul level and if it is true to your authentic self.

— Leave out the ego. You cannot manifest out of ego, so don't call in egotistical manifestations. The ego wants external validation to validate something internally that isn’t full. If you try to manifest from your ego or for external validation, you’re actually pushing against a block of low self-worth by trying to prove yourself to other people. You want to make sure everything we're calling in is coming from your core, authentic self and is in alignment with your core values.

— Write with pen & paper. It is best to write your list the old-fashioned way with pen and paper because this method uses older, more established brain pathways from childhood (when you learned to write), which can access deeper thought patterns and subconscious beliefs that strengthen the power of your list. This is the clearest way for the subconscious to see the specifics and communicate them to the universe.

Things You Can and Cannot Do


— You can edit your list whenever you want. What you think you want to manifest now may change as you dive into the unblocking work and start to discover your authentic self and needs. Be open to whatever new clarity comes forward as you go through the process. You can add to your list anytime you have new clarity or you have something new you are calling in. You can also remove anything that isn’t authentic to you anymore.

— You can add varieties of one thing. Give the universe options!

— You can add what you don’t want. List all the things that you are sure you don’t want and that are deal-breakers.


— You cannot manifest for other people. Everyone has free will and is on their own authentic journey.

— You cannot manifest one-of-a-kind things. It’s important to get to the core essence of what you’re calling in– focusing on how you want to feel vs. focusing on ultra-specific, one-of-a-kind subjects. Trust that the universe is going to provide what you desire– or better.

— You cannot have strict deadlines in manifestation. This is actually a block about control or a strong indicator of lack mentality, both of which communicate your lack of trust in the universe and its divine timing. The rate at which you are unblocking, expanding, and taking aligned action will dictate when you manifest your full list.

Once you cast your list, the subject is already in motion and will begin orbiting around you.

The Manifestation Process

The manifestation formula is simple. Three essential elements must be in motion for you to connect with your manifestations– you must be Expanding, Unblocking, and taking Aligned Action.

The Importance of all Three

It is very important to have gone through each step in order to manifest. If you haven't addressed one part of the manifestation process, it is likely that you won't manifest much.

01 Expanding the Subconscious


Expanding is a key component of the manifestation process. It helps create the space in your subconscious mind to see to believe that what you desire is possible for you. It creates a certain level of believability in your subconscious mind that you truly can have the manifestation you are calling in. Believing that something is possible mentally can actually change what you are physically capable of!

The Science of Expansion

Expanding is the notion of seeing to believe that something is possible. If you’ve never seen what you want is possible, your subconscious will have a hard time believing it. When you identify part of yourself in someone else, it shows your subconscious that it is entirely possible for you, too, which makes you tend to expand a lot quicker. It’s an “if this can happen for them, it can happen for me as well” mentality. Once you find Expanders, it's important to continually reinforce the expansion to create a neural pathway in your brain that says, “Success is more achievable than the limiting narrative my subconscious leads me to believe”. Expanders will show your subconscious mind that your dreams are possible.

Ways to Expand

Expansion can happen in a myriad of ways– through experiences, the sharing of knowledge or information, and most importantly, through expanders.


Expanders are people that you identify with who have already been where you are now and have gone on to become successful in, own, or embody what you want (job, relationship, house, success, friendships, relationship with self,…). They allow you to “see to believe” that what you want is possible– it’s a feeling of “Oh if they can have/do that, I totally can too!” Because after all, what you admire in others is simply showing you your own, untapped potential.

How to Know if You’ve Expanded

You’ll know you’ve been expanded the second you have an “Aha” moment that what you desire is within reach for someone else, so it’s also within reach for you.

02 Unblocking the Subconscious


Throughout childhood, you pick up pain, shame, programming, limiting beliefs and core wounds that create subconscious blocks. Everyone has blocks. You are not broken, you don’t need to be “fixed,” and you did nothing wrong– your brain naturally creates these beliefs and behaviors as coping mechanisms in an attempt to survive, connect, and be accepted in your environment. However, these blocks keep you from truly believing that the things you want are possible and therefore prevent you from connecting with your manifestations. Unblocking is the act of getting to the root of a subconscious limiting belief that is blocking you from your manifestation.

The reason why blocks stand in the way of manifestations is because these deep subconscious wounds keep you operating in low self-worth beliefs and behaviors that are actively limiting your potential. Until these wounds are brought back to the surface and healed, you can't project the high self-worth you innately have.

How to Unblock

By working directly in the space where blocks originate– the subconscious mind— through reprogramming.


Reprogramming is the act of overwriting the low self-worth neural pathways you picked up in childhood and instead introducing your subconscious to higher self-worth behaviors, beliefs, outcomes or experiences in order to unblock and allow things to come through to you. By reprogramming old beliefs, you create new neural pathways and therefore can project from a different state of worthiness. Through repetition and emotional intensity, you can overwrite your old, outdated programming to create lasting change and connect with your manifestations.

How to Reprogram the Subconscious

Reprogramming requires you to revisit your past and bring up any memories or stuck emotions that caused you to have blocks (anything that made you feel shame, unworthy or small). When you hit on the experience that made you feel that way, visualize yourself, in the subconscious, showing yourself a higher self-worth behavior, belief, outcome or experience. This requires you to fully process and integrate these old experiences to receive the healing you couldn’t receive at the time. When you show your subconscious mind a new memory or way of “being,” it believes that to be the truth, which creates new neural pathways of high self-worth, and over time, will overwrite the old ones of low self-worth. After you consistently reinforce through repetition, the new neural pathways fire together and deepen. This new belief shifts what you’re projecting energetically.

How to Identify Your Blocks

To move past your limiting beliefs, it’s essential that you first identify what exactly they are. To do this, ask yourself:

— What are the limiting beliefs I have about myself that may be inhibiting my progress?

— Think back to what your inner child witnessed in relation to the subject of your manifestation. Were there any doubts, fears, programming or limitations? Perhaps ways you learned to settle or play small?

— Have you experienced or witnessed any shame, judgment, or rejection around this subject?

Look at your list and write down the main root beliefs or major memories that stand out the most or carry the most activation. Each of these items indicates a major block– an aspect that needs integration and healing for you to align with your worthy, authentic self and manifest.

Tips to Reprogram an Old Self-worth Belief

Think back to the moment when the low self-worth belief was created. Bring back that memory and…

— Watch the situation unfold, but show up as a more confident and deserving version of your younger self. You’ll see the younger version of yourself speak up and say what needed to be said at the time, hold a boundary, walk away or whatever was needed for healing.

— Watch the situation unfold, but come in as yourself now and intervene on behalf of your younger self, so you can receive the healing you needed.

— Watch the situation unfold and welcome your magnetic parent(s) into the memory to see them stand up for you, hold a boundary, offer comfort or whatever you needed at the time for healing.

— If this is a situation or memory from your adult life, watch the situation unfold and take whatever action is needed for you to show up as the most magnetic version of yourself (your highest self). After you receive the healing you need, you can imagine a merging of your current self with your most magnetic self.

Do What Works For You

There is no wrong way of reprogramming. The true energy beneath it is that you go from feeling (in the experience of a block that you have accessed), from low self-worth to high self-worth. So, however you need to do that: through yourself, your magnetic parent(s), nurturing your inner child or your highest self. Whatever is going to work for you. It can be anything that feels like a healing in that certain experience.

How to Know if You’ve Unblocked

You'll know when you hit on the right memory and you've healed a block when you feel some sort of a release. It can feel like a sense of relief in the body; a heart opening, a big sigh, a letting go, or even a physical release, like tears or laughter. You will know you have reprogrammed fully when the trigger you're working through no longer affects you or causes the emotional reaction it once did — you are no longer triggered as much in your daily life and you're not as reactive as you use to be. Most people won’t receive a full healing their first time. It takes repetition and emotional intensity to create new neural pathways in the subconscious, especially for bigger triggers or deeply-ingrained patterns.

03 Aligned Action

Aligned Action

Aligned Action is the final key component of this manifestation process. It is the action you take that is in alignment with the most authentic version of yourself. Taking aligned action is vital to connecting with your manifestations because it is where your subconscious beliefs take form in the real world through your behaviors – it’s how you set boundaries, say no, pass tests, follow pings, clear space for things that don’t align and make decisions for yourself from a place of high self-worth. Aligned Action is how your subconscious self-worth shows up in the real world.

Types of Aligned Action

— Responding to tests with high self-worth

— Refusing to settle

— Following pings

— Setting boundaries

— Saying no

— Clearing space of things that don’t align

— Going all in

— Stepping through fear

— Doing the opposite of old, low-self worth behavior

— Making decisions from high self-worth

Do the Subconscious Work First

Aligned action is the best way to communicate to the universe about where your self-worth is at, which is why it is vital to back up your actions by doing the subconscious work first. This means understanding your triggers and blocks, reprogramming old, low self-worth beliefs, and finding expansion before taking the aligned action. If you don’t, you will create some temporary magnetism but you’ll find that it won’t truly bring you closer to your manifestation until the subconscious piece is addressed.

Main Types of Aligned Action


When you’re manifesting a subject, it usually requires a higher level of subconscious self-worth than what you are projecting, otherwise, you wouldn’t be in pursuit of it. Since your reality is a mirror reflecting of your subconscious self-worth, the universe begins to send you tests to show you exactly where you need to raise your self-worth in order to align with your manifestations.

Tests are opportunities to learn and recognize your current limitations and where you subconsciously need to shift to higher self-worth.

The universe will always test you. What the universe is testing you for is to see if your self-worth is in alignment with what you are calling in. Whether you respond with an action that comes from high self-worth or low self-worth is what determines how quickly you’ll progress in your manifestation practice.

It’s actually a really good thing in manifestation to be receiving tests because it means that shifts to your neural architecture are being made in the background. The more you get tested, the more you’re connecting up neurons with new synapses, which means new subconscious beliefs.

If you continue to get tested for the same thing, it means that you still have to learn the lesson, and you'll continue to be tested until you can move through the block. This isn’t a punishment from the Universe; it’s actually support to get you on your path and show you exactly where you are in your process. The universe is really here to help you every time you pass a test because you are showing it that you are stepping into your power and worth.

How to Pass Tests

In order to align with what you are manifesting, you must pass the tests that are going to come your way.

When you are given a test, do not settle for less than what you want. You “pass” tests by responding to them in a state of high self-worth and not settling for anything less. With each test you pass, you are raising your magnetism and self-worth.

Once you pass a test, know that the following tests will become more and more subtle and difficult to recognize. If tests appear easier and easier to pass, it simply means you’re in your worth! Keep going!

Your manifestation will come through when you are ready and in your worth.

You Cannot Fail Tests

If you don’t “pass” a test by responding to a test with low self-worth, that’s okay! You won’t lose your manifestation. The universe doesn’t ever punish you and you never ‘fail’ a test, in fact, they are invitations from the universe to step into your already whole, worthy self. Every time you don't pass a test, you will only slow down the process as you spend time unblocking why you still feel undeserving, but soon enough, another test will come. The universe will continue to send you more tests until you start responding to them from a place of high subconscious self-worth. The lower your self-worth (or the more you have settled in a subject in the past), the more tests you will receive. In fact, if you’re receiving tests, this means that your manifestation is orbiting you. In other words, your manifestation wants to come through and is asking for you to uplevel your self-worth to meet it.

Types of Tests

Tests will come in two distinct forms– opportunities and triggers.


A test in the form of a situation, person, experience, or material item that asks if you're going to settle for the old, low self-worth patterns you’ve exhibited in the past. Often, these opportunities fulfill some of the attributes on your manifestation list but are missing key factors.


Tests that present as an emotional or egoic reaction– when you’re feeling activated or you react in a way of judgment, anger, low self-worth, extreme sadness, pain, jealousy,… These triggers (tests in disguise) serve as mirrors for what needs to be unblocked, healed, and integrated, as they point to exactly where you're projecting your blocks onto other people or external situations. These triggers effectively test you by asking you to look at the root– “Will you keep repeating this pattern? Or will you heal the underlying emotion and show up differently this time?"

How to Spot a Test

Here are the crucial questions to ask yourself to determine if you’re facing a test. If you answer “yes” to any of the following, it is a test!

— Does it impede on a boundary you set for yourself?

— Do you feel shame or embarrassment around it?

— Does it make you settle or feel small?

— Is it pressing on an insecurity, core wound, or shadow you need to work through?

Clearing Space

As you start to connect with your authenticity, you will notice that some things, people, and experiences around you are no longer in alignment. Clearing space is the physical aspect of the manifestation process that makes sure you have the space necessary for your manifestations to come through. It’s the act of removing some elements of your life that no longer match your level of self-worth and authenticity.

Why Clearing Space is Important

Surrounding yourself with things, people, or experiences that no longer align with your authenticity can block your manifestation. They can take up the energetic space where your manifestation wants to come through. When you take the action to clear space, you are creating space for your manifestation to come through by communicating that you will no longer settle for what you had in the past.

How to Clear Space

Think about how you can stretch the limits of your particular circumstances in order to align with your true authentic essence by releasing what isn’t serving you anymore. Then, start filling these spaces with choices or manifestations that align with your authenticity.

Look at each section below. What aspects of your life do not feel aligned with your core values?

— Relationships (Romantic, friendships, family, professional, acquaintances,…) that don’t respect your boundaries and make you feel small

— Career (Tasks at work, your Role, compensation, your boss, team dynamics,…) that makes you feel unfulfilled and unmotivated

— Physical Items (Clothes you never wear and don’t elicit joy, food, decor, gifts, furniture, objects that don’t serve you anymore,…) that clutter and don’t reflect your true authenticity

— Spaces (Home, car, workspaces, parties/events, shops & restaurants you frequent,…)

— Digital Presence (Social media, media consumption, camera roll, messages, contacts, desktop,…)

— Tasks (Administrative tasks, cleaning, organization, groceries, errands,…)

— Habits (Binge-watching TV, social media, video games, news, unhealthy self-sabotaging habits, any lifestyle habits that don’t bring you joy (alcohol, smoking, vaping,…)) *While there can be a healthy balance for most habits, here we are only referring to the ones that no longer feel helpful.

Make a list of the things that aren’t serving you anymore. Those that don’t fit your core values aren’t a good use of your time. Now, start to think of ways you can clear space in these aspects of your life.

Ways to Clear Space

— Relationships (Set boundaries, cut off contact, mute or block digitally)

— Career (Delegate tasks, ask for more aligned responsibilities, negotiate a pay raise or bonus, advocate for your needs to superiors, if a job feels toxic or super unaligned, make a plan to manifest a new opportunity and quit your current job)

— Physical Items (clear out unaligned items, donate them, give them to a friend or family member, sell them, trade them, or recycle them)

— Spaces (Clear out unaligned items, set boundaries or say no to unaligned parties, hangouts, events, businesses, shops, or locations)

— Digital Presence (Unfollow or mute accounts that are unaligned and toxic, stop watching media that doesn’t feel good, delete photos that are no longer helpful or lead to unhealthy comparison, delete contacts, conversations & desktop items that are no longer aligned or relevant)

— Tasks (Hire someone to take over a task, ask your partner to step in, remove it from your life entirely if you can do without it)

— Habits (Set a limit around consuming media, set boundaries, limitations or cut out unhealthy habits completely, eliminate negative coping mechanisms that keep you in a low self-worth place, start to address the underlying trigger or emotion that may be driving you to cope or numb with these unhealthy habits)

It is important to remove anything that makes you feel small, stifled or suffocated. All these things energetically blocking your manifestations from coming through.

Going All In

As you take inventory of what is no longer in alignment with your authenticity, you might find yourself confronted with major misalignments– a romantic relationship, a job, a home, a city,… Clearing space of these elements may take a bit more time, but it is important to start taking steps that will help you eventually walk away, like expanding, unblocking, and taking aligned action. When it comes time, you may be tasked with: “Going all in”. Going all in is the ultimate leap of faith– it communicates trust in yourself and the universe that you no longer need to settle for what isn’t aligned and that something better will come through. You will know when it’s time to go all in because you will have a deep inner ping that it’s time to leave or take the next step. However, it is important to go at your own pace! Don’t go all in before you are ready. However, know that a major misalignment is blocking your manifestations and it will need to be addressed at some point.


Pings are intuitive downloads and answers you get directly from the Universe to take action in some way. It is the universe communicating to you — telling you to go somewhere, do something, go to a specific place or connect with a specific person – those “random” ideas you should follow in order to show the Universe your trust. They can show up in a variety of ways — as a deep inner knowing or as a message or piece of advice from another person. It is the universe trying to connect you with your manifestation. Pings can be an excellent boost to help you align with your manifestation faster. The more you honor your intuition, the stronger it gets, so make sure to act on your pings.

If you choose to ignore a ping that doesn’t feel believable to act upon in the moment, the ping will simply continue to come, either in a different form or in the same form. The ones that come through as the same ping over and over again will only get louder until you follow them. Know that it is important to connect with your ping at some point, as it will lead you closer to your manifestation.

The Importance of Pings

Getting to know your intuition is an important part of the process. It is the innate wisdom you are born with, refined through life experiences and stored in your gut neurons. The universe’s only intention is to help bring you back to your innately whole, worthy, authentic self, and cultivating a relationship with your intuition will help you do that. The more you unapologetically follow pings, the faster you will connect with your manifestation and authenticity.

Spotting a Ping

If listening to your intuition is new for you, you can refer to the lists below to help you clarify when something is a Ping versus a test or compulsion.

How to Spot a Ping

— It feels clear and direct.

— It feels like a calm knowing.

— There isn’t a triggered or strong emotional reaction around it.

— It may not logically make sense and may feel random.

— It’s high self-worth. Pings will never lead you back into low self-worth patterns or habits.

Pings Are Not Tests

Your intuition will never try to trick you into going somewhere or doing something that tests your self-worth. Tests show up physically or emotionally, whereas Pings will show up as a pull to do something or a new idea.

How to Spot a Test

— Does it impede on a boundary you set for yourself?

— Do you feel shame and embarrassment around it?

— Does it make you settle or feel small?

— Is this pressing upon an insecurity, core wound, or shadow you need to work through?

Pings Are Not Compulsions

Compulsions are behaviors that keep you in old patterns – they feed addictions or numbing behaviors. They are about seeking temporary relief from feelings you want to avoid.

How to Spot a Compulsion

— Is this leading to a low self-worth pattern you’re trying to break?

— Is this aiding you in avoiding a feeling or seeking temporary relief? Perhaps by numbing

If any of the answers to the last to sections are a “yes,” then it’s a compulsion or a test. If it's a “no,” then it’s a Ping!

The Magic Dark

The Magic Dark is an energetic period that can occur after you’ve been consistently expanding, unblocking, taking aligned action, and then…nothing is coming through. It feels like complete silence. This is the space in which it is common to lose faith, to question whether or not you believe in this process, and you may tend to revert to old habits, settle for less or connect with an old, low self-worth dynamic. But hold on!

This is the darkest before the dawn. The magic dark occurs when you are at a pivotal point of switching from an old neural pathway of low self-worth to a new neural pathway of high self-worth regarding a specific subject. It is the ultimate test from the universe to build your trust muscle. Do you truly feel deserving of what you are calling in? Are you sure you won’t settle for anything less?

Magic Darks can last days to weeks and sometimes even months. There is no time limit, as it is the ultimate test of trust. When you can stand in your worth throughout this period, and trust in yourself and the Universe that something big is about to manifest, you’ll notice that things begin to shift and your manifestations will begin to appear.

Not everyone will experience a magic dark. The Magic Dark will likely happen the first time you use this process or any time your self-worth is far away from the subject you are calling in. The more advanced you get in this work, the fewer magic darks you will face unless you were truly settling in that subject before.

Are you in a Magic Dark?

If you’re wondering if you’re in a Magic Dark and you’ve done all of the steps listed below, then the answer is yes.

— You’ve been expanding, unblocking, and taking aligned action.

— You’ve been passing tests (saying no to red flags and things that are not in alignment).

— You’ve cleared space to align with your core values.

— You’ve been shifting out of old patterns & limiting beliefs.

— Everything is silent and nothing is coming through (No opportunity tests or manifestations are presenting).

— Your patience is running thin.

If you are experiencing what might feel like a magic dark, but you haven’t been expanding, unblocking, and taking aligned action, you might have more work to do before connecting with your manifestation.

How to Navigate a Magic Dark

Once you’ve confirmed that you’re in a magic dark, here are some tips as to how to navigate this time.

— Feel all your feelings. Fear, anxiety, and extreme doubt are normal during this point of the process. It is so important to sit with these emotions and process them so that you don’t get stuck there.

— Keep Expanding. Continue to connect with and search for expanders, and recognize all the ways you have expanded yourself.

— Keep Unblocking. Get to the root of any tests or triggers related to your manifestations.

— Keep Taking Aligned Action. Follow those pings, pass the tests, set boundaries and clear space.

— Reconnect with your Authenticity. Indulge in things that make you happy, spark joy, and light you up.

— Nurture Yourself. Get extra rest, engage in self-care, and eat foods that make you feel good.

— Refuse to Settle. Do not go back to old self-worth habits or behaviours that make you settle for less than you deserve.

— Surrender. Trust the process and allow things to unfold naturally in their own time. It’s important that you don’t depend on this manifestation to validate your worth or bring you all your joy– find your joy and live in it now. This is how you communicate high self-worth to the universe that you are in alignment with your manifestation.

The Manifestation

How To Spot The Manifestation

— It feels like a “hell yes”

— It feels like ease

— It aligns with your core values

— It embodies the core essence of everything on your manifestation list

— It aligns with a high self-worth version of yourself


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