An Exhaustive List of Things That Make me Happy


An Exhaustive List of Things That Make me Happy


The Happiness Paradox

Instead of being able to experience happiness in the present moment, we are — more often than not — postponing our happiness. In fact, we often make our happiness dependent on the outcome of certain events. In falsely assuming that the accomplishment of certain goals (wealth, fame, status, power, etc.) will add great amounts of happiness to our lives, we give away our control over our happiness.

The pursuit of happiness makes us strive for more all the time. This kind of attitude focuses our attention on the things we do not have and tricks us into believing that happiness will emerge by adding these things to our lives.

The True Source of Happiness

But, we all know it; Life is all about the little moments. It’s about finding that sweet spot over and over again.

The ability to draw happiness from the little things in life also has a lot to do with gratitude. If you can centre your attention on all the beautiful aspects that are already to be found in your life, you will become a much more grateful person.

Being grateful for the little things is a unique skill which allows us to be content with our life and be less dependent on the outcome of external circumstances.

This list is a reminder for you and me of the simple pleasures that make us all a little bit happier.

These are things to incorporate into your daily life to create great change in the long term.

It is a list to fall back on whenever you are feeling stressed, unmotivated, angry, sad, out-of-it, heartbroken, and all the negative emotions.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The Little Things That Bring me Happiness

Laughing in the company of others

Waking up early

Running to > Running from

Breathing deep down into my belly

Dancing to a good song

Unexpected flowers

Warm sunshine on my body

Beautiful fruits & veggies

Organic farmers

Feeling fulfilled in life

Cooking & baking my favourite desserts

Friends <3

Petting animals

Staying hydrated

Letting go of things

Action over procrastination

My community


Rain against my window

Wrapping myself in a warm towel after a shower

Bare feet on the earth

Deeply feeling emotions

Long conversations

Clean bed sheets

Small changes

Being happy for others

Getting cozy in bed

Good habits

Having energy

Reading a good book

Investing in myself

Being open-minded

Baths in the evening

Alone time

Creating art

Growing as a person

Feeling incredibly exhausted after exercising

Good people


Fresh air

Running into an old friend

Connecting & reconnecting


Smelling the scent of places I love

My morning coffee

9 hours of sleep

A new season of my favourite tv-show

Homemade food

The future & present

Writing in my diary

A warming cup of tea

Good digestion

Flowing with life

Seeing progress


The smell of freshly cut grass

Tasting something incredibly delicious for the first time

Being creative

Love love love

Being tipsy


Kisses & hugs

Long walks in nature


The feeling of hygge


Sunrise & sunset

Making others happy

Breakfast in bed

Movie night

Swimming naked

Hearing my favourite song

Children laughing

Smiling at strangers

Days in which everything works out

Good hair

Planning a vacation

Singing in the shower

Wearing my favourite sweater

Waking up naturally

Burning a new candle

Checking things off of my to-do list

Finding something I thought I lost

Feeling good in an outfit


Brave decisions

When someone gets you

Finding a pen that writes smoothly

A great dream

Looking through old pictures

Tears of relief

Finding money you forgot about

Handwritten Letters

A good kiss

Spontaneous adventures


The Importance of Blood Sugar Balance


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